Ports Feature in Hydrogen Conferences in the Netherlands This Week
I am in Netherlands this week for two Conferences. The World Hydrogen Derivatives Conference held in Rotterdam on Monday and Tuesday and then the Wins Meets Gas 2023 Conference in Groningen on Thursday and Friday.
In Rotterdam, the World Hydrogen Derivatives Conference was part of the World Hydrogen Leaders Conference. There was a Panel Session which “examined the role of shipping ports in the hydrogen carrier revolution.” The Panel looked at three particular aspects:
- How can ports adapt their traditional fossil-based operations to facilitate clean hydrogen?
- Determining the role ports can play in providing industrial space and facilities for derivative storage and distribution
- Analysing the infrastructure requirements and timelines for the safe distribution of hydrogen derivatives from port authorities
- Establishing the key hydrogen TSOs and how quickly they should be assigned third party accessibility
The Panel included Mark Stoelinga, the hydrogen Business Manager at the Port of Rotterdam and Douglas van der Wiel, the Senior Vice President at the energy logistics company, Advario. The session was excellently chaired by Polly Martin from Hydrogen Insight.
The Wind Meets Gas Conference is an annual conference in Groningen. It has many senior politicians speaking from the Norther Netherlands and teh Dutch Government. This year, there are two sessions on Ports:
- Nordic-Dutch Connections: The role of ports and shipping for the future hydrogen economy.
- Hydroports as the umbilical connection between the North Sea Powerhouse and theOnshore backbone.