Webinar: Scaling Up Green Hydrogen in Europe: Friday 26 February 2021
There is a very interesting webinar on Friday organised by NS HyMaP Member, Dentons. It will be held between 10 and 11o’clock GMT. Dentons is an international legal firm with offices across the North Sea Region and they have teamed up with ILF and Operis to deliver the webinar.
In launching the webinar, Dentons has written:
“Green hydrogen is increasingly seen as an indispensable part of the Energy Transition. Ambitious targets for producing it have been set for the mid-2020s and 2030.
Many projects and use cases are proposed, but how is an industry that currently only operates at the level of tens of MW going to reach GW-scale quickly – and efficiently – enough? Will access to cheap energy at the boundaries of and/or outside Europe help to make green hydrogen competitive in the mid to long term, even taking the need to transport hydrogen into account?
Dentons, ILF and Operis have produced a white paper on Scaling up Green Hydrogen in Europe. In it, we look across the hydrogen value chain and consider both the physical and contractual/regulatory infrastructure that will be needed to make the vision of a hydrogen economy a reality. We consider how to match supply and demand for hydrogen; suggest possible models for financing hydrogen projects and trading their output; and review the role of public financial support and other policy interventions. We are optimistic about the prospects, but also realistic about some of the challenges facing this new industry.
We will be launching the white paper at the online seminar.
After a brief presentation of our conclusions, a panel of industry experts who are engaged in commercial hydrogen projects will debate the issues and share insights from their own experience.
Speakers from Dentons, ILF and Operis will be joined by:
- Julia Prescot, Chief Strategy Officer and Co-Founder at Meridiam Infrastructure, Member of the UK National Infrastructure Commission
- Roland Schulze, Managerial Adviser on Low Carbon Technologies, European Investment Bank
- Marinus Tabak, Plant Manager, RWE
Please click the link below if you would like to attend the cost-free online seminar, or to receive a copy of the white paper when it is released.
We look forward to meeting you virtually and to an interesting discussion.”
For further details about the webinar and to reserve a place, please contact