Launch of the UK Hydrogen Innovation Network
The Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) in the United Kingdom has launched its Hydrogen Innovation Network with a webinar with over 400 participants. The Hydrogen Innovation Network joins the Decarbonising Ports and Harbour Network which was launched in autumn 2020 and both networks will be of interest to NS HyMaP Members. KTN has the support of Innovate UK.
The webinar began with a presentation from Rita Wadey, Deputy Director, Hydrogen Economy at the UK Government’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS.) Rita outlined the work of the UK Government and funding opportunities for the hydrogen economy. She also gave some pointers to the UK Hydrogen Strategy which is close to publication.
Rita was followed by Rebecca Rosling from EDF Energy talking about Hy4Fleets; Julian Renz from ZeroAvia looking at Renewable Energy Aviation; Matt Candy from Steamology speaking about Zero Emission Power and lastly, Nopi Exizidou looking at how hydrogen can help solve some of the decarbonisation problems of the British Atlantic Survey.
Steffan Eldred from KTN concluded the webinar with an outline of the work of the Network which will include a Marine Workshop. The Network will form a non-competitive advisory group to pool knowledge from existing hydrogen communities including government and industry. The Network will receive Innovate UK funding until the end of 2022.
The next NS HyMaP Information Bulletin will contain a more extensive report on the webinar and the Network. If you would like to become an NS HyMaP Member or receive the Information Bulletins please contact Jon Jordan: